Monday, 10 July 2017

Did You Know These 6 Wonderful Concepts About Beef Jerky?

If you term beef jerky synonymous to taste, it would not be an exaggeration. It has always been a wonderful, scrumptious product with its closest relative being South African biltong

Biltong and jerky are wonderful treats that are famous almost all across the globe. Apart from South Africa, Biltong from USA etc. is also known for its celebrated taste. But talking particularly of beef jerky, there are some imperative points that you need to get acquainted with. Have a look at these:

Jerky Has Less Fat And Calories:

Beef jerky is formulated of a lean portion of meat, which is marinated without any artificial elements (without even oil). Due to this, be off with your notions of gaining weight when you eat beef jerky. 

Jerky Is Devoid Of Any Synthetic Flavors, Preservatives Or Colors:

With beef jerky, you could rest assured to avoid any kind of artificial element. It is what it tastes due to its natural self, and any artificial flavor, color or preservative may mar its flavor to a great extent.

Jerky Is Normally Gluten Free: 

Unless specifically mentioned, jerky is normally gluten free and it could serve as a part of your balanced diet.

Jerky Is High In Proteins:
Proteins are the building blocks of the body; you might know. And when you consume beef jerky, you could get a good content of proteins for your body requirements. These proteins are essential to hush the hunger and also work to repair the muscles after work-outs.

Jerky Requires No Specific Storage: 

Wholesale beef jerky traders could be a luring unit. They provide you this delicacy at a greater quantity and in lesser prices. Considering the advantages, you bought a surplus portion of beef jerky from them. But are its storage conditions troubling you?

Rest assured, as jerky requires no refrigeration or freezing. You could store it well in your kitchen drawer or room drawer etc.

Jerky Has Been Prevalent Since Past Many Centuries: 

You might not know it but this scrumptious delicacy has emerged from the nomadic culture. Since then, it has encountered many changes and has matched pace with the technology too, but the taste, flavors and the basic ingredients have experienced no changes whatsoever.

Beef Jerky and Biltong were almost a revolution- the herald of a new era which brought taste to meet the meat preservation techniques. Make sure you know it well and avoid the misconceptions that are prevalent with it.

How To Store Biltong For Best Results

When you ask experts, they would offer an advice to let your biltong breathe (they do, unless vacuum sealed). African biltong is a globally-renowned recipe, something which lures people due to its scrumptious self. And recently, it has acquired the incarnation of Peri Peri biltong, which is yet another meaty treat to define magnificence of taste.

However, quality biltong requires careful storing measures and this is where its breathing concept comes to play. To retain it tasty and fresh, biltong is always stored devoid of moisture. Yet, there are certain other factors that could determine the life of biltong. Let us have a close look at these:

·       Your Geographical Location: Biltong storage is highly dependent on the place where you reside. If you dwell in a dry environment, such as drier regions of Africa, the beef biltong possesses lesser chances of getting affected. Against this, areas of high humidity and rainy climate could be better foes to store biltong for long.

·       Part Of The Year: Biltong was basically prepared in the winter months formerly, when biltong boxes and dehydrators did not exist. However, hot and humid summer months would not be an apt climate to store the biltong. 

·       Exposure To Oxygen: Your ‘life-gas’ oxygen is one of the biggest foes to spoil the biltong. The meat that gets exposed to oxygen has greater chances of being spoiled and therefore it is required to keep the product sealed unless you require its usage. 

·       Storage Conditions: As stipulated, you could keep the biltong for 4 to 6 days before it develops chances of being degraded. And as a precaution, you could refrigerate the pieces in a non-humid environment. Also, an air-conditioned room could provide a suitable climate for the storage of biltong for long.

Key Inferences From Above:
Considering all the factors above, storage of biltong requires a meticulous effort. If you keep it in a refrigerator or deep-freeze it, chances are that it would lose its well-known texture.

However, if you hit such a track to increase its lifespan, taking out biltong from a freezer requires careful follow-up. It is required to place the frozen biltong in a well-ventilated and moisture-free area as it tends to release moisture on its warm-up. You could also place it on a paper towel to remove any form of moisture that emerges. 

However, freezing should not be followed by keeping it in a sealed container as it has better chances to experience rots. 

Biltong is a well-known product for its taste and you would never love to encounter a bad impression in this. Therefore, if you buy it in surplus, always be careful for its storage conditions. A slight mistake and your scrumptious biltong could turn to be a moldy one within just a few hours.

Beef Jerky vs. Beef Biltong: What’s Your Preference?

Offering a thorough pleasure to fulfill the craving of your taste buds are the dried meat recipes that are natives to South Africa. South African Beef jerky and biltong are among these recipes that now draw customers from almost all across the world.

Scrumptious they both might be, jerky and biltong are two very different products. Both are dried meats, which could be made up of beef, but differ a lot in their process, thickness or style. 

Beef Biltong or Beef Jerky? What is your preference? Maybe you would get a better idea when you know about them well.

Beef Jerky: 

Jerky is a Quechuan word which means dried and salted meat. These are pieces of lean meats that contain negligible fat, and are dried to prevent spoilage, even devoid of refrigeration.

During drying, the professionals use salt and other preservatives to prevent bacteria from growing on the meat surface. Salt also ensures the removal of moisture. Additionally, it experiences marinates and seasonings to acquire a bold and healthy flavor which makes a permanent impact on your taste palette. 

Beef Biltong:

Biltong means meat strips and these are scrumptious South African delicacies made up prominently of beef. While preparing these, the meat is treated with a mix of salt, spices and vinegar. Following this, the strips are transferred to drying cabinets for a few days.

Beef Biltong is highly popular almost all over the world and apart from South Africa, Biltong of USA too have gained worldwide prominence.

So What’s Your Call? 

Both are dried meats and delicious as the most delicious elements of earth. Yet, they are different! 

The aspects where they differ are their production processes and their ingredients. Biltong and Jerky meats may vary in the thickness of strips. While jerky is chopped in thinner strips, the meat for biltong could be about one to two inches wide. After drying, biltong could be sliced into thinner strips.
Beef jerky is not always cured with vinegar. 

It may be made only of meat and spices for its taste and smoky flavor. Beef biltong however, experiences vinegar preservation in most of the cases. Also, both these products taste highly unique and are with an appealing texture to lure the appetite

And these are the most important points of consideration, when you opt to choose one between jerky and biltong. Their tastes are magnificent and appearance- out-of-this-world. However, a bit of knowledge of their

composition and preparation procedure is always a handy aspect to understand well its nutritional concept- something which could pose a lot of difference.